Career Engaged Learning Office

Career and Experiential Learning

The mission of the Career Engaged Learning Office is to support the institution's academic programs by designing, implementing, and managing services and programs that meet the career and educational development and employment needs of the students.

Engaged Learning

The Career Engage Learning Office offers an array of professional services that will assist students with exploring, developing, and participating in experiences, that relate to each student’s unique educational and career goals. Students are encouraged to begin career planning early, and the Career Engaged Learning Office can guide you on strategies for how to become a marketable candidate in the workforce.

The Career Engaged Learning Office can assist with:

  • Exploring careers and college majors
  • Job and internship search
  • Résumé and cover letter reviews
  • Interview preparation
  • HandshakeLogoWhite.png

    Handshake is the premiere job search platform for colleges and universities and the #1 way students get hired. Join today to explore career options, apply for jobs and internships, learn about career events, and connect with employers.

    Already have an account?

    Login using your email:

    Login to My Handshake Account

    New to Handshake? Sign up here!

  • HandshakeLogoWhite.png

    Handshake is the premiere job search platform for colleges and universities and the #1 way students get hired. Create your free profile to begin posting job opportunities for full-time, part-time, and internship positions. By connecting with the Alamo Colleges District, your organization and postings will be accessible to our 60,000 students and alumni.

    Already have an account?

    Employer Handshake Login

    Click here to register

    • Contact the Career Advisor at (210) 486-5612.
    • Stop by the CELO office in Brazos Student Union, room 125.
    • Schedule an on-campus or virtual appointment by emailing:
    • Attend virtual drop-in times.  Visit this link for session times and Zoom link: Contact Us
  • Brazos Student Union, Room 125
    phone:  (210) 486-5142

    HSI- GWG Asset.pngDigital skills are more important than ever in today's workplace. That's why the Grow with Google HSI Career Readiness Program is here to help you gain the knowledge and expertise needed to land your dream job.  Let's go!



Career Resources for Diverse Populations